#christ yeah thx
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peacockrulz · 4 months ago
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Comic I made earlier this month. Based on a convo w/ a friend :]
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Can you tell,,,shes my favorite,,,,
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skyguys-princess · 10 months ago
Way Down We Go
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AJ x Private Security/Crime family reader
「 You 」
I sat up on the rooftop of the building next door of the club my brother was currently at. With his friends… If you could call them that. More like work acquaintances, without the work. His little thief friends, Takers. Is what they call themselves, the dorks.
Was I spying on my brother? Sure. But in all fairness, he isn’t always a good judge of character. Hence why I’m here now. Because the knuckle head and his stupid plans are going to be the death of me.
I pull up my laptop, that had been running background checks on my brothers new crew. Alderige, Alexander James. Cute… perhaps my brother doesn’t have bad taste after all-
I jolt, picking up my phone hastily. To see a notification from my brother, speak of the devil.
Thorn in my side
Need help.
No hi how r u?
Usually u leave me on read. Anyway hurry up and get ur ass here. We r waiting.
And where would here be exactly? And whose ‘we?’
Christ how dumb do you think I am? Actually don’t answer that.
I snicker at his response, before typing mine.
Fine, I’ll be there. Tell ur boy band I’ll be there soon.
Thx sis x
eww don’t ever call me ‘sis’ again
ok… sis
I leave him on read, maybe he does have a point. Chucking all my equipment back into my duffle bag, slinging it over my shoulder. Making my way to the stairs as I head to the club my brother and the rest of the Takers were at.
「 Narrator 」
Aj was lounging on one of the various couches while Gordon and your brother, Alec were discussing the plan for the upcoming heist. Though he appeared to be in a world of his own, Aj was paying more attention than it seemed.
He visibly perked up after hearing your name, he knew Alec had a big family. He’d mentioned it before, from your two other sisters. Him, your parents and obviously your dog named Flash. But he never mentioned you, at least never around Aj. He couldn’t help the curiousness that crept up inside of him, Gordon was usually very picky about allowing outsiders into their plans.
So what was so special about you?
Aj jolts after taking an elbow to the ribs, grimacing at the feeling. “Have you been listening to anything I’ve said for the past hour?” John asks annoyed, though a small smile tugs at the blond mans lips. Not at all surprised by Aj’s brazen behaviour.
Aj picks up his fedora that had fallen to the floor, smoothing his hair back. Before placing it back on his head, “yeah man of course.” His gaze averts to John. His friend’s face held a look of disbelief, busted.
John chuckles at Aj’s obvious distraction. “You might wanna be a little less obvious when your eavesdropping man.” He grins, leaning back against the lounge. Crossing his arms over his muscular chest. The muscle of his biceps straining against the sleeves of his shirt.
Aj lets out a huff, “no clue what you’re on about man.” Trying to dismiss John’s eavesdropping accusation against him.
John raises a brow in amusement, clearly not believing a word that came out of Aj’s mouth. “Yeah, whatever you say.” He smirks, before standing up. Heading over to Gordon and Alec, giving Aj a teasing wink. Who just gave John a playful glare in response, before slumping back in his seat. Crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance. Looking like a toddler throwing a tantrum, making John chuckle.
While the Takers were distracted you managed to sneak in through the back entrance. Watching as they all bickered amongst themselves, oblivious to your presence. You decided to remain undetected for now, placing your duffle bag down on the countertop of the bar. Heading behind it to make yourself a drink.
Grabbing a cold martini glass, pouring in a shot of vodka. Filling the rest up with cranberry juice, before topping it off with three maraschino cherries. Hopping up, you sit on top of the bar. Cross legged, siping on your vodka cranberry. While looking through the blueprints of the bank someone had so callously left on the bar countertop.
Hearing the faint sound of heels clicking you turn your head. Lilli approached the bar, jumping slightly as she made eye contact with you. Sitting there sipping on your cocktail, the blueprints laid across your lap. Her jump scared expression making you giggle, she placed a hand over her heart. A smile tugging on her lips. “Hi,” you whisper.
“Hello,” she replies. Her voice soft, as her kind eyes bored into yours. She moved towards the counter, extending your hand for support. She takes it, propping herself up on the counter beside you. “I’m Lilli, and you are?”
You give her hand you were holding a shake. “Y/n, nice to meet you.” You see her eyes avert to the blueprints on your lap. “Wanna see?” She nods enthusiastically, making you chuckle softly in response to her enthusiasm. Picking up the blueprints, holding them out in front of both your faces.
“What are you doing here?” Lilli asks curiously, while scanning the blueprints.
“Alec asked me to come,” you shrug nonchalantly. Pointing at the best points of entry on the blueprints.
“How do you know Alec?” She asks, while you take another sip of your cocktail.
“He’s my brother,” you pick up a maraschino cherry. Popping it into your mouth.
Her eyes widen in obvious surprise, “Alec is your brother?”
“Unfortunately,” you grin playfully. “Speaking of which…” you pause, turning to face the group. That were still engrossed in conversation. “Earth to boy band can we get this show on the road? I have shit to do.” You raise your voice loud enough to grab their attention.
Watching in amusement as their heads snap in your direction, fast enough that they could’ve gotten whiplash. Making you and Lilli laugh, “so oblivious.” She chuckles.
Looking through the group, you see John’s familiar face. “Johnny boy, long time no see.” A soft blush adorns his cheeks in embarrassment.
“Huh?” The blonde man beside him, looks at him bewildered. Which you recognised to be Aj. John just looks back at you and chuckles.
“Y/n, good to see you again.” He waves, as Aj mutters something under his breath. Though your attention is pulled away by a soft tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Lilli with a sheepish smile on her face.
“Can you make me one of those?” She ask hesitantly pointing at the drink in your hand, making a smile tug at your lips.
“Of course,” you slide off the countertop. To behind the bar, hearing someone clear their throat. You look up, meeting the familiar hazel eyes of your brother. “Hey big bro.”
“I didn’t ask you to come over so you could drink.” He quips, with a sly smirk tugging at his lips. Causing you to narrow your eyes at him playfully.
“Well I was bored,” you retort. Ruffling his dark hair, making him let out an annoyed grunt.
Lilli leans a little closer to the both of you. “To be fair, she was sitting here for a while. Not that you guys noticed.” She added in your defence, as you mixed up the vodka cranberry.
“Do you want the cherries?” You ask, raising a brow. She nods in response, “yes ma’am.” You say with a salute. Making her let out a soft giggle.
Alec clicks his fingers in front of your face trying to get your attention, “uh hello? Back on topic please.” Making you roll your eyes at his behaviour.
“You’re so dramatic big bro, relax. Take a breather,” you tease. Hearing a chuckle from behind Alec, then a mop of blond hair peeking through. A big toothy grin on his face, as he steps to the side of Alec. In front of you, holding out his hand. Gently taking yours, bringing it to his soft lips.
Placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles, “it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Aj.”
A soft chuckle befalling your lips, amused by his irregular behaviour. “Let me guess, you have a thing for the Godfather?” You tease, looking up at his fedora. Alec’s hand immediately shoots to his mouth, muffling his snort. Aj bites his bottom lip gently, giving your hand a soft squeeze. Before you pull it out of his grip, popping the cherries into Lilli’s drink. Sliding it over to her, she whispers a ‘thank you.’
“I do actually, have you watched it?” He leans onto the bar, practically looming over you. The low lighting in the room reflecting off his blond hair. Making him look almost… angelic. Though his playful smirk suggested otherwise.
“No, though if you like that thing you should come to our family reunions. The resemblance is impeccable,” you quip. A wheezy laugh erupting from Alec. Aj seemed undeterred from his friends reaction, leaning even closer. His long lean fingers gently brushing a strand of hair out your face, tucking it behind your ear. With the utmost gentleness, as if you were made of porcelain. His eyes so transfixed on his movements, it was like he was in a trace. So were you, not that you’d admit it. Alec and Lilli observed quietly, aware of the tension. Eyeing the display of affection with curiousness. It was no secret that Aj was a flirt, but this was something that even your brother hadn’t witnessed from him. After a moment you pull back snapping yourself out of your trance like state, withdrawing from his gentle caress. Clearing your throat, “well… Let’s get on with it. We have a lot to do.”
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dameronscopilot · 2 years ago
I’m back with some poopeh
I’d love…love…rooster with the reader in some lingerie.
Thx in advance. 🫶🏻
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x f!reader
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18+ — lingerie, fingering
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Rooster grins, lips brushing over yours as his callused fingers follow a well-worn path, slowly working open the buttons of the Hawaiian shirt.
His shirt.
You have a habit of pilfering it from his closet, baiting him as you breezily waltz around the house in nothing more, well aware of the incredibly efficient effect the sight has on his self-control.
But tonight, there's another surprise still waiting between the soft cotton material and the smooth expanse of your skin, one he's not expecting.
You know when he sees it—you can hear it in the way his breath catches, fingers stilling on the last three buttons.
"Jesus Christ," he breathes out.
There's no hesitation in the way he impatiently tears the shirt the rest of the way open, the faint sound of the plastic buttons bouncing across the hardwood floor hardly audible over the groan of arousal tumbling from his lips.
Rooster roughly runs a hand through his hair as he gazes down at the straps of the harness bra criss-crossing over your sternum, his fingers hovering over the sheer, delicate lace covering your breasts. You shiver as he gently brushes the side of his thumb over one of your pebbled nipples before letting his hand slide down your stomach.
Toying with one of the panties' several matching straps that wraps around your hips, he hums appreciatively when he cups the small scrap of material covering your mound with his other hand. You're fucking soaked already, having spent the afternoon clenching your thighs together on the couch in anticipation.
Your back arches up off of the bed as he nudges the lacy fabric aside, easing a thick finger into your dripping cunt.
"Baby," he croons, reaching down to squeeze his cock as it strains against the confines his jeans while he stretches you open with another digit.
"Yeah?" you pant out, toes curling as your fingers scramble for purchase along the sheets.
He nudges your thighs wider apart, and you gasp as he sinks in deeper.
"I hope you know I'm gonna ruin these."
▸more appeteasers 🍑
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fearforthestorm · 2 years ago
as a friendly reminder this blog is enthusiastically and emphatically supportive of all good-faith identities; if you're anti endo systems, anti mspec gays/lesbians, anti xenogenders, or anti ANYTHING that's literally just people existing and not hurting anyone, you're not welcome here <3 this shouldn't be a radical fucking standpoint to take but I think people deserve to not have their existence questioned and belittled, and they know themselves better than anyone else ever can, so like. just be nice. k thx bye
(ok to rb but if you clown it's an instant block)
edit: okay jesus christ just bc I said okay to reblog doesn't mean I wanted fifty people reblogging this, locking rbs just because I don't want to deal with the inevitable people being shitty on this if I leave it, if you want to express this sentiment make your own post it means more that way anyway than just going "yeah what they said".
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invisiblewille · 7 months ago
20 questions for fic writers!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
only young royals so far but i've been thinking about writing for another fandom lately too
Top five fics by kudos:
Gold and Silver
The Frog Prince (unfortunately lol)
Honey, You Look Like Gold to Me
Lost in the Sauce
Do you respond to comments?
yeah, unless they're super weird or a response to my response i guess
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Last Dance was MCD and most people sobbed while reading it so... i guess that one. Most of the rest of mine have happy endings even if they're super angsty in between
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
What exactly is the "happiest ending" lol... idk i guess in terms of like payoff maybe Bronze? I really don't know lol
Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a bit of stuff that's made me feel bad/upset on Thou Wilt Whisper, "No Pang Shall Be Mine" but not really, no
Do you write smut?
depends on the story but yes. I have a lot without it though too. I try to make sure my stories don't need it and that I'm not using smut to cover up a weak plot
Craziest crossover:
Jesus Christ x Wilmon (/hj)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no but Mano was joking about stealing one of my fics the other day lmao bc I was thinking of changing something in it
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, I think gold and silver was translated into Russian? I don't remember but I think so
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I beta for some friends but I'm not huge on co-writing bc my work style is so odd
All time favourite ship?
I actually prefer reading rwrb Alex and Henry fics oops but I guess Wilmon is still technically my favorite
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have one on Ao3 that I abandoned but I have no desire to finish it. But I do have a trans simon canon rewrite in my docs that I wish I could finish, but I just don't love writing canon no matter how much I try. I'm an AU writer through and through
What are your writing strengths?
sadness, making people cry, imagery and metaphor maybe, and symbolism? and angst but ya know...
What are your writing weaknesses?
I use "as" too much and also sometimes don't use enough names
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i try to stick to English these days, but there are times where i think it can work in fics
First fandom you wrote in?
young royals. I don't think I ever wrote in my previous fandoms. I think I only ever made art.
Favourite fic you've written?
Thou Wilt Whisper always and forever. Like I love a lot of my fics or they wouldn't be posted, but that one truly means so much more to me
Stole this idea from @glassdollls thx bestie
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"Fairy Princesses" (2023 - Kate Havekost (@have-a-hygge)) / ”Lamentation over the Dead Christ” (1463 & 1490 - Niccolò dell’Arca)
FAIRY PRINCESSES: This beautifulll watercolour painting of double almond blossoms feels right up my alley somehow. For me it's one of those things that has that subjective element of "this is why art!" which I guess I mean to say I find the flowers and whole scene, beautiful in like.. the Most essential sense and so yeah I'm easily appreciative. idk man I like pretty things and good art!!! They do a lot of other great floral art but stumbling onto this I found memorable. Also I partially entered this because in revisiting, it seems the artist is really struggling right now and as of the time of writing, getting evicted very soon and needs help to fund the move so whatever the state is at the time of this poll, I hope you'll pretty please consider sharing them and showing them some support, of which they could especially use the legal/financial kind. thx! Back to your regularly scheduled battle of the arts!! (anonymous)
LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD CHRIST: The Feeling: Terrible, gut-wrenching, nauseating sadness akin to the grief from the loss of a parent (or child), mixed with an equally terrible fear of the greatness of the Almighty, which leaves me sobbing whenever I look upon them for too long. After the sobbing, heaving catharsis there is the hope filled knowledge of the Resurrection and joy of the coming Kingdom of Heaven. The Reason: Probably something innate within the soul from gazing upon (however hazy a reflection of) the Divine. (through-the-violets)
("Fairy Princesses" is a 2023 watercolor on black cotton paper piece by American artist Kate Havekos aka have-a-hygge. It measures 12"x 16" (30.5x40.6 cm), and is presumably owned by the artist.
”Lamentation over the Dead Christ” is a 1463 and 1490 terracotta piece spanning 7 life-sized figures done by Spanish sculptor Niccolò dell’Arca. It's currently located at the “Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Vita,” a Baroque church in Bologna, Italy.)
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Hello, I'm... goodness, can't write all of that. Well, call me BinaryNerd, BN or Pat if you can't bother to write all that.
So, to preface this, let me copy-paste my old introduction.
"Hi, I'm the new account of 01001110010001010101001001000100 as Tumblr randomly decided to delete my account. Keep calm.
New packaging, same amount of craziness."
Yeah, didn't give too much info. Well, to make it up for yinz, here ya go:
I'm a swede (but not the kind of turnip)
My english is a horrible mix of different dialects.
My pronouns are he/him or they/them, whatever works for you.
My timezone is GMT +1
More popular than Jesus Christ himself (he only had 12 followers)
I hope Matt Mullenweg (tumblr ceo) explodes with hammers
Know python (mark lutz learning python) and a tad Applesoft Basic
#oc (my original creations, misc stories. some aren't even half bad)
#art #art too good not to be reblogged (art, basically always reblogged. no difference in quality between tags)
#shitpost (throw away shitposts)
That's all!
Thx for reading all of this!
Last edited August 14 2023 (14/8/2023)
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eusuntgratie · 1 year ago
Okay we talked way back in August about me getting into hockey, well I'm fully there baby, very in to it. Streaming pens games, keeping up with the liveblogs, listening to them on the non illegal free radio broadcast when I'm at work, thank god they're at reasonable times for me usually like 1pm. I now have opinions on power plays??? and know offside rules??? Jesus christ - and I LOVE IT AAAAAALLLLLLLLL about sidgeno, with a liiiiitle bit of mattdrai on the side.
Anyway just had to like update you lol thx
HELL YEAH! I love it! Thank you for the update this is wonderful news. Feel free to come scream at me about hockey and sidgeno or anything else anytime <3
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terraliensvent · 11 months ago
anon, my brother in christ, you do not give two shits about the mental health of anyone in terras. stop pretending you do and just say you’re upset that they’re still engaging with the species even though they said they wouldn’t. thats actually valid. but acting like you know what’s best for someone elses mental health which you don’t even care about in the first place isnt. try again with some actual self awareness next time thx! ^w^
post related
im gonna repeat what i said in the last ask about how we shouldnt make assumptions about anons, however im gonna be a bit more lenient with this one since i kind of agree.
i think that, while you can privately have your own thoughts about what kinahs participation means for them, this anon is right in saying that we really cant say whats best for them. we dont know them irl, and again its really just not our place. and even if it’s detrimental to them to keep doing terra stuff, im inclined to just say, “so what?” if they hurt their own mental health by continuing to do stuff for terras and now isopups, its kinda on them. kinahs mental health doesnt really have any bearing on us internet strangers, and i think we should stop acting like it does. it might suck yeah, but at the end of the day it isnt really our business
(also not that its really important to the content of the ask, but future anons please try not to take a condescending tone like this in my inbox, you can make your argument without talking down to others and it just pisses me off tbh)
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otgwbgyu · 5 months ago
kay so basically this is what sarah’s mom said onfacebook regarding me and my friends. yep.
like okay subtweeting us on a social media platform where we won’t even know abt it and continuing to shame r parents when it’s obvious UR the one who needs shaming! 😹😹 leave the gossiping in highschool no one gives a SHITTT
one scroll through my account and it is clear that i am NOTTT the problem lady (nor r any of my friends but proof for that will come later!)
my only issue with sarah was not only her inability to take a joke and philosophical/analytical nature but the fact she saw me as competition in academics and style
she constantly demeaned my own abilities to make hers seem better and would make a point to brag abt her study skills and allat to me personally
and it wasn’t only in academics IT WAS THROUGH STYLE. THROUGH STYLE
tell me why this year she decides to pink everything up, put cute stickers on everything, and all of a sudden CLAIM mymelody as her own??? like EXCUSE ME????
ngl take inspo off me im flattered or wtv but jesus christ it was like looking in a mirror sometimes
it’s a shame she couldn’t copy my personality idk if it’d make it any better completely that’s up for others to decide but definitely would’ve made it better in certain areas!!!
like pink is MY thing my melody is MY thing u can develop ur style however u want but don’t go around trying to impersonate me and take shticks away from me that have been mine for YEARS
you’ll never be a young child year old with a pink and purple bedroom obsessed with girly things with a tomboy mom and sister who thinks she’s a tomboy and a dad who is a man struggling to express her girliness bc no one in the family has or wants experience in that
i’m girly i like makeup i like pink i like my melody but i like them in a way you’ll never understand
idc if i’m being petty or gatekeeping or being a bitch i finally find comfort in expressing my style only for u to pick it up and make a cheap copy off of it and try to dethrone me like NOOO BITCH i’m not even gonna offer to share
like thx for taking inspo ill gladly have that happen but when u try to claim it as ur own and put yourself in a position that it makes it look like i either copied YOU or im not as girly as u then that’s when the issues arises
and oh my god she was SO fucking condescending like sooo condescending
she always bragged abt her studious habits and acted like a fucking teachers pet know it all
am i obsessively stupids? hell yeah. but for the same reasons as sarah? hell NO
it’s obvious she behaves that way to give herself a sense of superiority and through that she gains confidence and motivation in striving to do better than everyone else instead of wanting to succeed for her own good
she speaks with a fancy and advanced vocabulary to sound smart and intimating especially in discussions (particularly ones that started out as light-hearted that she turned srs)
i get studious and form strict study habits because i have extreme anxiety over my future and crave academic validation from adults and people who will be defending my future and even myself. i strive to succeed for myself since i want to get through life smoothly and have a way to support myself while also pursuing something i love (meteorology!!)
i speak in an advanced vocabulary bc that’s how i’ve always been. i have a mom who went to college and works in a field that requires her to be word-savvy and that reflects into her daily life therefore impacting me since i grew up attached to her hip basically. i talk like this bc of the way i was raised and out of habit, not to make others feel dumb or intimidated. and at least im actually self aware and still try to tone it down to not appear that way
she was rlly so convinced she was morally superior than everyone but no ur the opposite
and her constant talk abt calories and nutrition always irked me and made me feel sooo uncomfortable and i think why is very obvious by ONE small peek at this account ☺️☺️ like i get wanting to pursue.a healthy lifestyle good for u man i’m proud of u and ur weight loss journey but it seemed like it made her feel superior to everyone and she just HAD to voice it. like openly saying “that has too many calories” and counting calories out LOUD to ppl who r eating the same exact food? evil shit. like idc what ur intentions r bc nobody would do that unless they’re trying to seem healthier and make others feel guilty. the evilest shit u can do is make ppl feel insecure abt their body/intake when it’s obvious u needed that ur entire life
and she’d always make me feel bad abt mine? like it’s obvious i’m not the skinniest but im not FAT…. like girl believe it or not im 102 lbs😭 (my weight fluctuates from 100-105 lbs regularly it’s SO strange) idc if i don’t look like it i just have unfortunate fat distribution THAT U WENT OUT OF UR WAY TO MAKE FUN OF DESPITE KNOING I WAS ISNECURE
u pinched my cheeks chin and upper arms KNOWING. KNOWING I WAS ISNECURE ABT THOSE!!! i’ve literally cried over that shit and u still have the audacity to do all that. insecure ass bitch projecting ur own insecurities onto me and making ME feel like shit
ur just mad ur bmi’s in a different TIMELINE than mine even tho im not super skinny
and she even made fun of my workout gear…. 😭 calling it weak ash. girl ik ur lifting 10lb bags of rice 10x before u devour the entire things and call it a day bc those biceps r SHITTT
like this is u but w fat okay pipe down
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plus i only work out for health reasons bc MY ENTIRE LOWER BODY IS FUCKED UP!!! i’m gonna have chronic knee hip and ankle pain for the rest of my life unless i keep them strengthened!! and i even have an issue that’s impossible to fix that i’ll have to work around!! so stfu u don’t know shit abt my life. although maybe i dabble in weight loss workout a bit but it doesn’t take a lot and extreme equipment unlike u
and the fact she totally blew us off freshman year?? 😭😭 like girl do NOTTT try u tried it once in middle school bc u refused to believe ur bsf was toxic and victimized him and yourself and painted us as evil toxic villains but when u were all alone DESPITE us still reaching and including u especially when u we’re going thru shit BC WE (at least i did) GENUINELY LIKED U u ran crying back to us bc u had no friends and still needed company 🥰🥰 and ykw i WANT to let u off on this bc i don’t think ppl r required to stay friends with ppl for the rest of their lives but it’s the fact u left with NO communication and tried to COMPLEYELY ignore all of us?!?! like during orientation when u were the only person i knew in r group ofc id try to stick by u but u just blew me off?? and then i saw u talking to katelyn and others later??? like hello?????? and the fact katelyn and i r now closer than you’ve ever been LMAOO sucks to suck fuckass loser AND WE’RE NOT EVEN THAT CLOSE WE JUST FRIENDLY but wahh wahh u realized h can’t make new friends bc ur so unlikeable like clockwork u came running back to the only ppl who put up w ur shit and look where it got u. history alwaysss repeats itself huh. and the fact she randomly inserted herself back. no explanation, no apology, just acted like everything was gucci and cool LIKE???? mf u ignored us for monthsss and all of a sudden ur trying to act like ur part of the team…. make it make sense juseyo
and back to the bungee situation…. not her trying to tell me how to feel abt bungee LMAOOO
he made me and so many others feel miserable for yearsss he can take a couple of comments and teasing he’ll never hear dw abt him 😭 and when she’d play along w the fat jokes like ouh throwing stones in glass houses i see
it’s just so fucking astounding that she rlly thought she could tell me to consider the feelings of a sick bully who never once had the compassion to feel abt mine even tho we were friends for 2 years. baffling. like y r u defending someone we dropped AGES AGOOO over ME. SOMEONE WHO HAS SHOWED U NOTHING BUT KINDNESS AND RESPECT. SOMEONE WHO IS STILL A GREAT FRIEND WHO TOLERATES UR BULLSHIT.
ugh and not her arrogance. this kinda goes hand in hand w her condescending attitude. but like she used to be so meek and shy and like that made me sad i wanted to see her express herself i wanted to see her be more comfortable but it seems like she did gain some confidence but took it too far. u give them an inch they’ll go a mile ig
i even wrote a poem for my summer reading abt her LMAOOO i compared her to icarus bc she rlly did fly too close to the sun w all that huh 😓😓
and the fact she was actively pushing me away and honestly did not gaf abt me for the last couple of months we were friends lmao
she came running to me to find peace as if r dm’s weren’t a barren wasteland bc she didn’t bother to respond to my texts or continue conversations yet would jump to respond to ANY notification from the gc as long as it wasn’t me (and weirdly rissa. idk why sarah didn’t like her either ill have to think abt that. maybe she saw her as a threat somehow bc rissa is basically the one who woke everybody up😭)
but yeah i made an entry/post abt a specific event where i responded to something and she was soo unenthusiastic but when i think ava responded she was sooo excited and joyous and full of glee and whimsy i just had to laugh bc at least don’t make it look obvious lmfaoo
and the fact she brushed off the anniversary art 🫠 like ok not only is it art that takes a LONG time to do and was quite literally a GIFT for u but i created that thing while actively hating ur guts u should be grateful it’s at least decent bc i could’ve just straight up have not done it 😊 and i was close to! if only i knew ur ungrateful ass wouldn’t be phase one single bit. bc of that every piece of poetry you’ve written is trash and mediocre at best and u should give that dream up and live ur life working in a cubicle from 9-5 calling random ppl to sell a product while barely making enough to support yourself
it’s like she knew i still liked her bc i was the only one who actively reached out to her when she tried to separate herself both times and was there for me when she was in the psych ward and stuff but once she realized she successfully got back in she didn’t need to use me as a link and could live on her own. she’s like a nasty parasite who took advantage of my kindness and pity and when she didn’t need it anymore she pushed me away to get closer to others who were more “cool” and ppl she knew she wasn’t that close with
basically: she hated my guts and saw me as competition for whatever reason, and i hated her as well! making it mutual! this friendship was destined to fail the minute her ego skyrocketed and idk if it’s salvageable at all. everytime i see her i still get so angry and feel all the emotions i did any time she made a snarky remark or tried to pull some of her typical shit
in conclusion FUCK SARAH!!! FUCK ALL THAT!!!!
fuq all dat “silent treatment” and “lack of communication
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trueheartd · 7 years ago
Oh, by the way. I’ve abandoned Tumblr because this place is a shit hole and spirals me deep into depression and anxiety.
On another note, if you have a problem with someone, trying to “solve” it by passive-aggressively approaching them is not the way to go about it. Don’t assume you know what they’re thinking or what their intentions are. Try gently telling them how you feel and asking them their side instead of literally just accusing them. Accusation without something to back it up can be extremely taxing on another person’s mental state. You don’t realize the harm you can do until you’ve already done it.
Also, take a damn break from the internet when you start to feel overwhelmed. Become self aware and acknowledge when your thoughts begin to center around what goes on here and when you begin to obsess. It’s unhealthy for you and can twist your perception of things. I’m speaking purely from experience.
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vermillionmars · 3 years ago
sundrop x reader
cw/tw ; profanity ( a lot ), robophobia ( ? ), thoughts of violence, mc is mean
a/n ; hi so rhis was partially a joke to spite my friend but i also just,, adore sun and moon so,, but like i haven’t been in the mood to write so it’s crack,, haha! btw i’ve never written sunny b4 give me a break thx
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“I fucking hate children.”
You did. You really, really did. They were loud and hyperactive, annoying and bratty and disrespectful. They were fast as well, zooming around the crowded daycare with no care in the world. Like they were in a race of life or death, they ran and ran and knocked everything over—all your hard work making it all neat and tidy, pristine and pretty, gone.
And to make it worse, they didn’t know when to stop bothering you. If you had to hear one more shrill, nasally little voice ask the same damn question, you were sure you’d pull your hair out in frustration. You understood they were tiny creatures with very few functioning brain cells, and were just naturally excitable and annoying, but that didn’t change your rage.
For one—one—day, could you get a break? Could they leave you alone for at least an hour…maybe two? Wishful thinking, you realized, but you could only hope.
“No, Mari, you cannot eat the glue. Jack, please get down from there—you’ll fall, and I don’t feel like dealing with a lawsuit today…or any time this week…sTOP—THE BALLPIT WILL NOT BREAK YOUR FALL—”
After dealing with all of the children (none of which had died, thankfully) and making sure they fell asleep comfortably, you sighed. You didn't understand how people could genuinely like these brats—how they could stand the constant need for attention, the neverending chatter, the general neediness...Then again, maybe you were just an asshole—you wouldn't doubt that.
But still, Jesus Christ, this job sucked. You'd much rather be forced to do maintenance on those neon animatronics. Sure, they seemed complicated mechanically and you weren't the best with that kind of stuff, but it was better than hearing a kid scream every five seconds and refuse to listen to you. Plus, that one guy—gator? Crocodile? Whatever he was—seemed kinda cool! Even with his stupid glasses...You were good at golf, in your professional opinion, so you could totally kick his ass.
Yeah, but you couldn't exactly leave your post. It was dangerous to leave children unattended, so you were stuck in this colorful nightmare for the rest of your career here. Stuck with...you shivered, kids.
"Fuck this job, and fuck Freddy Fazbear."
The best day of your whole life—whole life working at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, that is—came on a bright, miserable Monday morning. You had been preparing your third cup of coffee when some guard—you couldn't remember their name, didn't bother to in fact, but you sort of recalled it starting with a V—hauled in a giant box.
"What in the Hell is that."
They huffed, slamming their hands onto their hips aggressively. "It's a robot. And as of now, your coworker. So, don't break it. Or else it's coming out of your paycheck."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I won't break the fucking—wait...coworker? What do you mean by that—" Your question went unanswered, because the guard was gone before you could finish.
"...bitch—" You eyed the box suspiciously. "Well, whatever! I don't need that guard, I'll figure it out on my own!"
You carefully opened the box—you were warned not to break it, so it was surely fragile right? The robot, as the mean guard had called it, was fucking heavy. That was the first thing you noticed about it. The second thing was its face. "A sun?" It was vaguely reminiscent of those old paintings where they gave the Sun (and the Moon) a creepy ass human face for...like no reason.
You almost screamed when its head started to spin.
"H~ello, friend!" It said, joyful.
"Uh, hello there to you too...pal?" What the fuck, why can it talk—you thought you would have to press some power button or something...
From there, the animatronic sun kept talking your head off. Man, it was just as bad as the children in the daycare...and this was your...'coworker', how? Screw your paycheck, you were damn near ready to rip its head off.
"So! So! What do you wanna do? Actually, wait wait—what's your name, friend? I can't believe I forgot to ask! AH! That was very rude of me, I'm sorry, friend!" It rambled.
"You're fine...no need to yell." You rubbed your head to rid yourself of your upcoming migraine. "I'm, uh, [Y/N]...and you?"
"Oh. OH! Oh, oh, oh—you can call me Sun! Or Sunny, or Sundrop! Or Sunnydrop! Or Sunrise—or Sunnyr—"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" You covered your ears and winced at the volume of its voice. "So, then...Sunny...to be blunt, why are you here?"
"Here? Why am I—" It looked around, taking in the sights of the brightly lit daycare. "Right! Daycare...attendant...help...OH! That's you, right?" Its permanent smile was honestly kind of creepy, top that off with its childish personality, and you had a recipe for something you knew you wouldn't like.
"Yeah, that'd be me." You groaned. "Not that I really want this job."
"Why not?" You could hear the frown in its voice. Its head spun lightly, the cone-shaped rays on it spinning. "It sounds fun! You get to play all day long with no consequences, and you can have all the friends you want!"
"Is that how you think it is?" You hummed. "If that's your opinion, you can take over for me..." Though you meant it as a joke, the robot seemed to perk up at the idea.
"YES! Er, I mean, yes!" It lowered its volume when it saw your glare. "I'll do a very good job, you'll see!"
"Mhm, sure. But when you get tired of dealing with toddlers all day, there's no shame in flipping the lights off and calling it a premature bedtime..." You yawned. "Speaking of which, if you're so sure you can do it on your own, then I will be resting."
"Okay! Rest well, friend!" It waved. You returned the gesture, though with a noticable lack of care.
"Don't die."
Sunny was actually remarkably good with children. It handled them delicately, making sure none of them broke a limb, tending to their concerns, and playing with them until they were satisfied. It trotted over to you when the kids were all sleepy, bells on its shoes and around its wrist jingling.
"See!" It clapped. "I did a good job, right?"
"Yeah, sure," you trailed off, ignoring the sun thing to fall back asleep. "Good job or whatever...do it tomorrow, won't you?"
"I'd be de~lighted!" If it could, its smile would've gotten wider.
"Cool. Now, fuck off please..."
"Hey! That's not very appropriate, friend! There are children!" The sassy pose it took on was enough of a replacement for its inability to frown.
"Who cares? Their parents probably say it all the time around them."
"Still, it's no good!" It waved a finger scoldingly. God, it was a hunk of metal—surely you could dismantle it and throw it away...for good...
Oh, but your paycheck...damnit.
"I'm so sorry, Sunny, oh great pile of metal."
It stopped its funky movements, clearly either offended or saddened. Not that you cared either way. It stood still for a moment, then, as if deciding it had had enough of your bullshit, walked away and hid itself in a corner.
But don't worry! You made up with him—yes, him, he had anxiously said, essentially, "hey please stop calling me a bunch of metal smashed together and treat me like a person even though I'm not," which you followed—and were the best of friends! Well, kind of. You tried being as nice to him as possible...but you were naturally mean-spirited, so you found that rather hard.
But you were...trying...your damn best! Hopefully that was good enough...
Anyways. Sunny took care of your workload for the most part—a huge relief for you, though there were some things he wasn't good at (such as math and science and language), so you ended up having to teach the kids those subjects. With that, you fell into a methodical process. Sunny drew, played hide-and-seek and tag, and did fun, random stuff with the children while you took on the burden of being their tutor, almost. Then, by night, Sunny would usher you out of the Pizzaplex, telling you not to overwork yourself and that you should leave your shift as soon as possible.
You weren't sure why exactly he was like that, but he was very insistent on keeping the lights off...so maybe he was just scared of the dark? An animatronic programmed with fears…that sounded really stupid to you, but it wasn't like this company was known for being very smart.
Well, whatever. You'd find out eventually. He couldn't keep secrets from his coworker forever.
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transphilza · 3 years ago
i’ve gotten into the habit of doing these check in posts with everything that’s going on so here i am. back again. mourning log day 3 except this one is just aimless rambling
i feel a bit better. i didn’t feel better earlier today though, i woke up and it only took about fifteen or twenty minutes of watching wil’s stream til i started crying a lot… admittedly that’s better than day 2 where i woke up and immediately had an anxiety attack but yeah. felt sort of cold and numb all day like i was walking around in a fugue, everything felt fake and distant and strange. hearing phil and wilbur’s voices (like especially phils for whatever reason) today felt quite nice but the only thing that made me feel real was when i was crying about techno
i cried while answering some asks, which for transparency’s sake has happened several times,,, when i say i understand you all and i feel your pain i Really mean it. it’s been cathartic to read your feelings and cry with you all
but i feel a bit better now. of all fucking things listening to hermitgang actually improved my mood quite a lot and thats so hysterically funny to me that i can’t even find it in myself to be mad about it. i played some toontown and then called my girlfriend and i rewatched philza’s vr world tour stream with her which was really comforting. she and him helped me feel real again,, we watched sbi terraria before that which was really really nice. hearing his voice still makes me feel so. aghhhhhh. i really really miss him
still feels like i’ve been carved out and left hollow a bit but talking to people of course helps. i’ve been avoiding my family for the past few days cause i couldn’t stop crying for long enough to compose myself but today i was able to talk to them for a little bit and it was better even though i was still hurting and it still felt strange to be around people whose worlds were still turning even though mine has stopped
on a random tangent thanks for eight fucking thousand notes on the techno art <3 that’s the most notes i’ve ever gotten on anything ever (thx techno m8) and also thanks for FINALLY replacing that clip of wilbur as my most noted post. jesus christ
i think i’m gonna keep the new pinned post. i wasn’t sure at first, but now that it’s there i really want to keep it. having that reminder on my blog all the time feels right…. although reading “spaceship” still genuinely makes me feel like someone fucking stabbed me in the chest every time i read it it hurts so bad
i miss him a lot…. that’s where i’m at now. i just miss him and i want him back and it destroys me every time i remember he’s not coming back
but it’s better, or as better as it can be. it’s better than uncontrollable nonstop sobbing for hours at a time at least, which is where i started. so that’s probably worth something, even if it just ends up as numbness
theres still some clips scheduled for tmrw and day after. tomorrow is gonna be really annoying cause it’s july 4th and i am not good with firework noises lmfao…. hopefully my ear plugs block the worst of it out. any other sound sensitive americans i am wishing you some peace as well
much love to you all. if sending me asks or messages helps you in any way i’m beyond happy to answer them, and thank you for all your stories and kindness once again
❤️ cia
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Wretched & Divine - Tonda (Krabat)
Let's pretend Tonda actually brushes his teeth, yeah? K, thx
Warnings: misogyny, witchcraft and talk of religion I guess? Fluff?
6.2K Words🤙🏻 (yikes lol)
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You never thought you'd be living a double life, it was unheard of in your village. Everyone knew everyone, especially their secrets. Word always traveled fast, people you didn't know would suddenly be known as soon as something scandalous would happen in private. It was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because you were certain no one was dangerous to you or your family, a curse because well...you had your own secrets.
It took a long time for you to accept the fact that you were a witch. You were a devout Christian; always going to church, reading your Bible, treating others as Christ would have. You were the perfect daughter. Obedient, kind, caring; traits of a person no one would ever suspect of being a witch, but you were.
Growing up, you had quite an interest in nature, so much to the point you'd beg your parents to let you sleep under the stars, never wanting to sleep in your own bed. You were an excellent study, learning how to read, write, perform math equations, and just overall being an intelligent person. If you had grown up somewhere else, you might've just been burned or hanged as a witch for even being allowed to read. But your small village was thankfully more progressive than others; though odd occurrences started to take place more and more as you grew older, and it terrified you.
The first time you started to suspect you were a witch is when you had just turned twelve. Your courses had just started, causing you to be more emotional than usual, anything could set you off and you had already been raised with the notion that finally blossoming into a woman wasn't something that should be talked about in public; it was not ladylike. You were playing with your friends in the nearby creek and you hadn't realized you had bleed through your skirts; a boy called it out and made fun of you for it, and you were so mad, you felt like you had actual steam coming out of your ears and you were brought to tears. Then, suddenly, a low hanging branch from a tree fell on top of the boy's head, causing him to pass out. Now, it was probably just a coincidence, but considering the forest by the creek was a few feet away, it was hard to convince yourself it was just that.
You had started to experiment with this newfound curiosity of witchcraft, something that your parents and everyone who could speak warned of, but you couldn't help how drawn you were to it. Even just the name, it was intriguing. You weren't expecting anything to happen that day, sure that it was just an overactive imagination. But when you tried to replicate what had happened to that boy, you managed to smack yourself in the face with a similar tree branch. After crying from the unexpected wallop to the face, a sense of dread was felt in your heart, and you didn't even know if you should've told your parents. What would they think? Would they turn on you like everyone else would? Would they accept you? Would they kill you themselves?
You decided you couldn't risk it. You loved your parents, and you couldn't even bear thinking that they might turn on you just because you were born a certain way. So you kept it a secret, and you would never use magic, you swore that to yourself. But of course, that promise only lasted a few weeks.
Your friend had gotten gravely ill, and it didn't look like she was going to make it. You didn't know how you were supposed to go about it, but you envisioned her getting better and just kept that vision in your head for hours. You prayed of course, but you wanted to try everything you could to heal her. And holding her hand one night as she laid on her deathbed, sweat pouring from her and scarcely breathing, you suddenly got lightheaded as you prayed for her, feeling like your own energy was being taken from you. You couldn't recall how long you felt that way, but when you snapped out of it, you were shocked to see that your friend's face seemed to gain its color back. Before she was pale, almost gray and lifeless, but her cheeks regained their rosiness and she was taking full breaths.
You didn't know how, but you managed to save her life.
Maybe you weren't this evil monster that parents told their children about, you weren't just a scary bedtime story or warning. Maybe you could actually use your powers for good, to help people. Maybe you could make the village a better place. It was worth a try.
Years later, your village and its people thrived. It took a long time, but you managed to work hard to control and learn everything there was to know about witchcraft. You blessed the crops, producing healthy and bountiful harvests. You helped deliver babies, human and animal. You helped teach the children. Everything you could do to help, you did. You could even force rain out of the clouds when there would be droughts, turning storms away when there would be a danger of flooding, making sure the village was kept warm and safe whenever it would snow. You felt like you had finally found your purpose, and it made you happy. Although, you wished at least one person would know how you help. You sometimes wished you'd get the thanks you felt you deserved. But it was fine, as long as your people were happy and blissfully unaware.
You didn't know it, but someone knew your secret, multiple people; you were being watched.
The Meister had heard about you, he could feel that there was someone powerful, even more than himself. He felt threatened, especially because you were a woman more powerful than him. At first, he wanted you dead, six feet under. But before he could be impulsive like he usually was, he got to thinking. He only had boys as his apprentices, only used boys to gain more power. But from what he felt from you, he wouldn't even need to teach you his magic for him to be able to use you. You were already so powerful, he was practically salivating at the thought of how much power he could take from you. He needed you, he needed you to join his mill boys. Or at least, have his boys kidnap you.
The Meister had his boys keep an eye on you from time to time, watching you get more powerful as you grew older, reporting to him so he could figure out the right time to take you for himself. But he made the mistake of letting Tonda be one of the boys that kept an eye on you.
Tonda wasn't like the other mill boys, he knew how evil the Meister was and how far he was willing to go to keep himself alive and powerful. He wanted to leave. He wanted to live his life without being enslaved and eventually killed. He watched you with an envious gaze, wishing he could be in your place. You shined like the moon on a cloudless night, anyone caught in your bright rays always having a smile on their face. He had never heard of a witch or warlock having such a positive effect on people. Anytime he or his fellow mill boys were to venture outside on rare occasion, everyone treated them like they were dirt under their shoes, lowlifes and Devil worshipers, lost causes that should be avoided at all costs. He wasn't aware that people could treat people like him with such kindness as they would any other human. But then he quickly realized, no one knew what you were.
Tonda, overhearing his Meister's plans for you one night, he knew he had to warn you. He didn't know you, and he had no reason to do such a generous act, but if it were him, he'd want to be warned. He had time on his side, Silvester wasn't for another few months. The Meister trusted Tonda, a poor decision but one he was thankful for. Every time Meister sent someone to look in on you, it was always Tonda. And soon, that envy turned into admiration. Seeing how you genuinely liked helping people in your village, it just gave him more incentive to want to help you.
You felt the energy around you shift, every other day, you felt like you constantly had to look over your shoulder. It was subtle at first, just a little pit in your stomach as you walked around your village, especially during the evenings. Soon that feeling got stronger and stronger, to the point you felt like you had to stay in your home more often than not. It made you feel defenseless, unable to protect yourself. You needed to figure out whatever it might be so you could put a stop to it immediately.
You had read about being able to remove your soul from your own body, or your consciousness. The whole thing sounded demonic in its own right, but what if you could only see what was plaguing you if you weren't in your own body? The feelings that you would get scared you enough to want to try. You sat deep in the forest near your village, making sure nobody was nearby or watching you in person. Already being somewhat educated on the subject, imagining your soul climbing outside of your body, and exhaled a breath. As if you could hear a rip inside your own head, you were suddenly standing. But you weren't. You looked behind you to see your physical form still sitting in the same position and spot you were before. It was jarring to see yourself that way, almost lifeless, only the slightest trace of movement from your chest rising and falling shallowly. But you had to focus on the task at hand.
You wandered the woods in your non corporal form, following that feeling in your gut until it got stronger. You soon saw a distant glow in the darkness, a grayish tint. You made a sprint for it before it could disappear, and that's when you saw him.
A boy, not much older than you in appearance: his almost shoulder length hair tied behind his head in a short ponytail, his tattered clothing covered in what looked like flour, and his face lightly covered in soot. He stared at you in shock, like he'd never seen a woman before, but it was probably because you could actually see him. But you probably had the same expression on your own face, he could actually see you too.
"Are you who's been watching me?" You asked bluntly, completely ignoring your teachings of being respectful and meek towards others, especially if they were men.
The boy had a guilty expression on his face, his dark eyes looking down in what you could only describe as shame. "Yes..." He admitted, causing your face to scrunch up in a scowl.
You stormed up to him with eyebrows furrowed. "Why? What do you want from me?" You would've asked how he could see you, but you already figured he was the same as you, more specifically, he was one of those mill boys you had heard so much about: about how they practiced dark magic, serving an evil master that disguised himself as the mill keeper. But the boy wouldn't respond, his face only growing darker from blushing, the gray aura surrounding him not allowing for much color to shine through.
"I don't want anything from you. I just...I came to warn you."
"Warn me? About what?"
"My master...he knows about you, about what you are." You felt your heart hammer in your chest at his proclamation, your stomach feeling like it flipped at what he went on to say. "He wants to take your powers for himself. And he's willing to do anything to get it, even if it means killing everyone in your village."
The news was petrifying, but how could you even trust this boy when he served the same man that was planning on taking your powers? "Why are you warning me?"
"I'd want to be warned too." You could tell that wasn't the only reason, but you didn't have the patience nor time to ask for more. "You should leave your village, before the Silvester."
You scoffed. "And where would I go, huh? The village is the only place I've ever known."
"I don't know, but if you want your people to live, if you want to live, then you should listen to me." He went to walk away, but you stopped him, grabbing his arm.
"Wait. What's your name?"
"Tonda." You nodded, giving him your own and your thanks. He smiled weakly. "I already knew your name."
After that interesting and enlightening exchange, you felt the most stress you've ever felt in your entire life. Some evil man wanted to kill you for your powers, and would kill your entire village just to get to you. Why? And how? How could someone be that evil? You knew you would never get answers to those questions, so you simply just stopped asking them. You still struggled with believing and trusting that Tonda, but then again, he was like you and he admitted to being the one who had been watching you. It had been a few days, but you didn't feel that pit in your stomach you usually felt when you were being watched, so perhaps he stopped. Or maybe after finally meeting him, you didn't feel like you needed to be scared.
It was a silly thought, but you couldn't help but recall how handsome the boy had been. But it's not what you should've been thinking about. You needed to think about your plan on how you could get out of this situation. You didn't want to leave your family, or your village. You knew you could probably make it on your own, but the thought of leaving everything and everyone you grew up with, it brought tears to your eyes. God, you wished you could've just been born normal, then you wouldn't have to deal with all this. But the world just didn't have normal in its plans for you.
Even though Tonda had done what he set out to do and warned you about the Meister's plan, he still went out and watched over you from time to time, at least until you left like he told you to. But every time he went to your village, he was always disappointed to see you still there, but a strange feeling of relief was always right there with that disappointed feeling. In truth, having been somewhat of a guardian angel in a sense, he didn't really want to see you go. But he knew if you stayed, you'd end up dead on the mill floor come Silvester morning. He couldn't have that happen, not when you were so...good. He hated that he allowed himself to start caring about your wellbeing, but it's not like he had control over his emotions, he never had.
You felt Tonda's presence around you, starting to get a feel for his energy. It wasn't oppressive like it normally felt. Tonda's energy felt different than all the other people who must've been watching you before him. His energy felt warm, gentle, like a summer breeze whisking past your cheeks. You always managed to wear a smile whenever you felt that he was around, but you still felt that pressure of what he warned you about, and you could tell he was getting impatient. "I don't think I can leave my family." You blurted out one day, sitting in a tree all by yourself.
The wind bustled around you almost violently, like the forest was throwing a temper tantrum.
"What if...what if I can stop him; your Meister? If he's so threatened by me because of my powers, then why should I let him scare me off?" You yelped when you felt a small branch break off above you and fell down upon your head. "Ow." You sighed, seeing as the sun was starting to set over the horizon. "I have to go." You didn't wait for a sign that he understood, you simply hopped out of the tree and made your way back to your home.
You really gave it some thought. What if you were powerful enough to put a stop to whatever nefarious plans this Meister had? If he was so evil, wouldn't it be worth trying? But you were swiftly cut off from your train of thought when you heard shuffling outside your window. Standing up from your bed and keeping a protection and offensive spell on stand by, you waited until you could see exactly who or what it was outside.
You clasped your hand over your mouth to silence your loud gasp of terror as a figure stumbled through your window after the wooden shutters opened with a loud slam, the figure immediately getting caught in your curtains. "Curse these rags!"
"Tonda?" You asked in shock, recognizing his face as soon as he looked at you. You noticed how handsome he looked in person, his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown, like honey. But you quickly got over your lust stricken gaze. "What are you doing here?" You whispered harshly.
"I came to ask you, what the hell do you think you're doing?"
You scoffed, crossing your arms defensively. "You came all the way down from the mill to scold me?"
"Yes, because clearly, my warnings weren't enough for you to take this seriously."
"I am taking this seriously!"
"Really? Because this talk of fighting the Meister isn't really showing me that you are."
"Just because I'm not allowing you to scare me away from my village, doesn't mean that I'm not taking this seriously, Tonda."
"You should be scared."
"I am." You spoke sternly. "I'm terrified. But I've made my choice, I'm not going to leave my home defenseless. You said it yourself, he's willing to do whatever it takes to get me, and if he sees that I'm not here? He'll know you warned me, and who knows what he'd do to my family? I can't let anyone get hurt because of me, including you." You blushed.
"You shouldn't. You need to look out for yourself. Besides, there wouldn't be anything you could do for me, I'm a lost cause anyway."
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Tonda sighed, his eyes downcast, avoiding your gaze as he explained. "Ever year, the Meister kills one of the mill boys so he can stay young and powerful. I'm afraid it's going to be me this time."
"Then, why don't you leave?"
Tonda chuckled bitterly. "I'm bound to him. He's my master. He'd kill me before I could even make it past the forest."
"Then all the more reason why I should take him out, Tonda. He wants my powers, he's threatened by me, that's got to count for something, right? If I can just catch him by surprise-"
"No, Y/n!" Tonda grabbed you by the shoulders, shaking you slightly, his eyes wide with fear. "You can't, not to someone like him. It is folly, it would be almost impossible."
"I can work with almost."
"God, you thick-skulled mule! Are you always this stubborn?" He whisper yelled angrily.
You shrugged. "I get it from my mother."
Tonda sighed, taking a seat on your floor in exhaustion. "There's no talking you out of this, is there?"
You smiled softly, slowly kneeling in front of him. "No. So, you may as well help me."
Tonda was scared, more than he let on. He had tried to run away from the mill once before, but he didn't make it very far. The hallucinations and threatening words he heard in his head as he tried to run away, it was enough to discourage him from trying anything like that ever again; he had given up, succumbing to the fact that no one would ever be able to escape. But you were different, you had powerful magic that wasn't even taught to you, you were born with it. If the Meister actually took your powers, who knows what he'd do with it? You nor Tonda could take that chance. And, it was hard to say no to you when you had such a determined look in your eyes.
You couldn't even count how many hours you spent practicing more offensive magic, rather than the defensive ones you usually would cast if you or anyone you cared about found themselves in danger. You weren't one for violence, it always made you feel sick to your stomach if you ever witnessed it, even thought about it for that matter. But you were fiercely protective of your family more, you could overlook the violence if just this once. Tonda right by your side through most of it helped too.
Somehow, he found the time to sneak away from the mill whenever he had the chance, the Meister continuously getting weaker as the days past definitely helped. You couldn't help but burst out laughing when he showed up to your little training session in the woods with nothing but a thin wooden stick. "What's that going to do?" You guffawed, the amusement on your face making Tonda scowl. But he quickly wiped that look off your face when his staff lit up gold and swung it in your direction, a sudden strong force of energy hitting you in the stomach, making you fly up into the air and hitting a tree.
"What do you think of my little wooden stick now?" You would've been pissed if you weren't so impressed.
Leading up to the days of Silvester, you felt more powerful than you had ever felt in your life. If it were not for the impending doom, you never would've pushed yourself so far. Now, you felt like you could take on anything...except your feelings for Tonda. It was subtle at first, just lingering glazes once in a while. The way his skin shined in the sunlight, almost reflective from the sweat of a hard day's work. The way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His little smirk when you tried to make him laugh. It was difficult to focus on trying to teach him some of your own magic, but knowing that it might help him, you wanted to try anyway. And it didn't take that much to make each other flustered, you could sense it in him too. But to be fair, you realized he hadn't interacted with a woman in quite a long time, so maybe it was just him trying to be comfortable in your presence. But the way his eyes seemed to light up whenever he saw you, something told you that your instincts were right. But you spoke nothing of it, the two of you needed to be ready and you couldn't afford any distractions.
When the day finally came, you were filled with nerves and doubts, but you knew there was no room for doubts. You trusted yourself, and you believed in your own abilities to keep yourself safe. Plus, with Tonda, you felt like you could do the impossible.
You make an excuse to your parents on why you would be out, and probably gone for the night. Being an obedient daughter who never gave them reason to doubt you, they gave you a hug and a kiss and allowed you to be on your way. It almost felt too easy. You couldn't show any sign of fear and you couldn't even say goodbye just in case something did happen, but that would cause them to worry, and you just couldn't risk it. So, you left your village, and made your way towards the mill.
Tonda had told you the paths to stay on to stay out of sight and he'd come and get you when the time was right. But you didn't expect to see him walking away from the mill with a shovel, into the snowy hills. You decided to follow him, curious if he had something else planned. But you certainly weren't expecting to see him dig his own grave, next to countless others. "Tonda!" You called out, spooking him and watching him turn to face you with a slight jump.
"What are you doing here? Why aren't you sticking to the plan?"
"From what I see, you don't even believe in the plan." You nodded to the freshly dug grave. "That's for you, isn't it?"
Tonda sighed, fiddling with the handle of his shovel and avoiding your eyes. "This is...just in case our plan fails..."
You stomped towards him, almost slipping on the icy snow. "It won't." You told him, snatching the shovel out of his hands, shocking him. "I won't let you die, not on my watch."
Tonda wore a bitter smile. "It won't be up to you. If I die, then I die." He stumbled back slightly when a sharp sting passed across his face, looking back to you with wide confused eyes once he recovered from your slap. "What the-?"
"You told me to take this seriously, but you're not doing the same. I swear on my life, that I won't let you die. You can't. You..." You stopped yourself once you heard the crack in your voice, your eyes stinging as salty tears welled up in them. Turning around to face away from Tonda's piercing gaze, you wiped at your tears angrily, so embarrassed that you allowed yourself to get this attached to one person.
"You care about me that much, huh?" He asked softly, causing you to scoff.
"Isn't it obvious?" You froze when you felt his cold hand gentle grip onto your shoulder, slowly turning you around, a quiet gasp escaping your lips as he was face to face with you. The cold air caused your breaths to be visible, mixing with each other in such close proximity. It was so intimate, the way he was holding you to him, his eyes boring into yours, and the feeling of the tip of his nose rubbing against yours as he leaned in slowly.
Tonda closed his eyes, breathing you in and resting his forehead against yours. Your skin was so soft, like silk against sandpaper as his skin roughed up after years of working at that dreaded mill. You were untainted, so innocent, he felt so guilty bringing you into his life, knowing that it would end terribly for him if the plan didn't work. You were something so precious to him, and he wasn't afraid to admit it to himself anymore. "If this works, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He spoke softly, barely hearing him over the slight breeze. "I've never felt this way about anyone, and I don't want to let this go. So, will you? Will you stay with me?"
You smiled, closing your eyes along with him. "Yes, Tonda. I will." You laughed breathlessly, closing the gap between the two of you and connecting your lips with his. You let out a small moan as he grabbed onto your hips and pulled you as close to him as possible, your bodies pushed up against each other as he deepened the kiss, delicately moving his tongue with yours, the feeling otherworldly as nothing else around you mattered in that exact moment.
It was hard enough to pull away from him, so imagine how hard it was to separate from him completely in order to finally enact the plan. You kept telling yourself it was going to work, it had to. Otherwise, you’d lose Tonda forever, and you just couldn’t have that.
Upon reaching the mill, you could feel the dark energy radiating from the building, it felt like a thick wool blanket completely covering you on a hot summer’s day. The heavy weight in your chest was hard to ignore, but you had to. You took a deep breath and went to knock on the door, only for it to open by itself before you could even rap on it once. “Y/n…” A deep, gruff voice rang out in your head. “I’ve been expecting you for quite some time now. Please, come in.”
With a shuddering breath, you crossed the threshold into the wooden rickety building, heading every slab of the flooring creak and groan as you walked across the room, finding the Meister already smirking at you evilly. “I’ve heard much about you, little one. So nice to finally see the beauty Tonda talked about so often.” You furrowed your brows at that, giving off an expression of confusion. “Yes, Tonda has talked to me about you. How disciplined you are, how you practice your magic so you get stronger every day.” From the corner of your eye, you could see Tonda entering the room, a guilty expression on his face. “See, where you went wrong was trusting someone who’s only loyalty is to me. I am Tonda’s master, and he tells me everything. Don’t you, dear boy?”
“Tonda?” You asked shakily, tears building up in your eyes. But he didn’t answer you, keeping his gaze to the floor in shame. You made a move to cast a spell on the old man, but you were quickly pinned to the wall by an invisible force, the pressure making your back scratch against the splintering wood.
“Yes, Tonda has told me about your little plan. And it was clever, I’ll give you that. But it never would’ve worked. You are no match for someone like me, not with the devil by my side.” You felt the magic tighten around your torso like ropes, the only thing keeping you suspended in the air against the wall, making it hard to breathe; but you had to hang on, at least for a little bit longer. “You didn’t really expect to beat me, did you? Especially a simple woman like you.” He sneered, his evil eyes watching you like a hawk, basking in your misery as you struggled against his painful magic.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Tonda shift around slightly behind the Meister, holding something in his hands that you couldn’t make out, but the look he gave you made you understood well enough that it was time. “You’re just a sad old man, so cowardly that you hide behind black magic and prey on the innocent.” You choked out, your shortness of breath making speaking difficult. “People like you never win.”
With a sharp cry, the Meister released his magical hold on you and fell to his knees, and you were finally able to take a full breath. You soon saw what Tonda had in his hands, a wooden spear, lodged right into the old man’s back. His widened eyes met yours, glossed over in fear. Despite your confidence, he still had no idea if the plan would actually work, but he managed to fool his own master.
“Tell him about my plan.”
“What?” Tonda yelled, quickly shaking his head.
“It’s the only way this could even possibly work. You have to give him no reason to doubt you. What better way than to pretend to betray me?” You explained. “Tell him you know that you’re the one to be sacrificed, but ask him to spare you and you’ll bring me to him instead.” Tonda sighed, still shaking his head. “Tonda, please, trust me.”
Tonda nodded hesitantly, his lips tightened into a straight line. “I trust you.”
Your skin started to glow vibrantly as you started reciting the practiced spell, wind whipping around the room as golden chains started to rise up from the creaking floorboards like vines, wrapping around the kneeled man’s body and rendering him immobile and restrained. “You bitch!” The Meister shouted, blood slowly seeping from the corners of his mouth. “You betrayed me, Tonda?” He looked to the boy with wide eyes, so livid you could practically see the whites of his eyes turn red.
“You’ve tormented everyone long enough. No more.” Tonda spat, walking over to stand by your side as you started to complete the last half of the spell.
Your voice went raw from the conviction in your voice, speaking loudly over the wind and your body aching from the power that flowed through you. You could see the man’s body slowly breaking down, the life draining from his skin that made him look gray and tattered. Fear filled his eyes as he started to realize how helpless he was, for once in his life, he was not in control; you were, and you were not going to let up, no matter how much pain you were in. He was screaming, and you didn’t realize you were too until his eventually stopped, a dreadful silence permeating the air around you, a thickness that made it hard to breathe. The Meister was nothing but a pile of dust and torn clothes on the floor, the stench of burnt flesh making you feel nauseous. But you and Tonda still stood there silently, looking down at the once powerful warlock reduced to ashes. “It’s over…” You whispered shakily, your body on the verge of collapse.
Tonda exhaled, for what felt like the first time since the spell started, his hands at his sides shaking violently. “I can’t believe it…this feels like a dream.” He looked over at you, his eyebrows furrowing and a gasp escaping his lips as your legs buckled and your exhaustion taking over; but Tonda caught you before your knees could hit the floor. His voice felt distant as he called out your name, his calloused hands caressing your face as you tried to calm yourself. “It’s okay, just breathe. You did it…you did it.” He soothed reassuringly, holding you closely in his arms, a dumbfounded smile decorating his face.
“It feels like I can’t take a full breath in here, Tonda.” You gasped, tears pricking your eyes, holding onto him like he was a lifeline. You didn’t have to say anything else for Tonda to pick you up and hurryingly bringing you outside of the building. The air was freezing, freshly fallen snow on the ground, but you instantly felt much better after escaping the toxic environment.
“Better?” He asked softly, helping you up onto your feet, keeping a firm grip around your waist with one arm while the other still held onto your face, gently lifting your jaw up to look at him.
“Yes.” You smiled. “Much, much better.” Tonda let out a breathless chuckle when you hugged him, burying your face in his chest and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close to you as humanly possible. “You’re free now, you and the rest of the mill boys.”
“All thanks to you. You saved my life…”
You pulled away, only to place a gentle kiss on his lips, his beautiful light brown eyes boring into yours with such care and admiration, it almost made your knees buckle again. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Tonda. The plan wouldn’t have worked without you.”
A smirk worked its way onto Tonda’s lips, his gaze soon becoming mischievous. “So, you said you’d stay with me after this was over. Well, it’s over now. Did you mean it or were you planning on dying in there?”
You rolled your eyes, a soft smile on your lips. “I meant every word I said. I want to be with you.”
“But what do we do now? I don’t have a purpose anymore. For so long, I’ve only served the Meister. All I know how to do is run a mill…and turn into a bird.” He chuckled weakly, not doing a very good job of hiding his insecurity in his expression.
You pondered for a moment, before getting an idea. “My village knows who you are, who the mill boys are…they’d never accept you. So, we can go somewhere new. Start over fresh, on a blank slate. Only if you’re okay with that.”
Tonda smiled, a squeal escaping your lips as he picked you up and twirled you around, attacking you with a passionate kiss that knocked the breath out of your lungs in the most delicious way. “Yes, mein Liebling. I will go wherever you go. Anywhere we go, if it’s with you, it’ll be perfect.”
And so, as you and Tonda walked out away from the Satanic Mill hand in hand, for the first time in since you were a child, you felt like you could actually be yourself. You didn’t have to be afraid anymore, not with Tonda. He accepted you for what you truly were, and encouraged you to embrace your powers. You didn’t know if what the two of you had would last forever, but however your stories may end, the love you had for each other would be worth it.
just a self indulgent hobbit boy fic for my birthday lmao. I lob him so much😭
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whump-angst-fluff-repeat · 3 years ago
On hiatus
Hey guys what’s up thanks for stopping by!
So ima be on hiatus from May 30, 2022 until around December 2023. I’ve been called to serve a mission for my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!
I’ll be in Nauvoo, Illinois for the majority of the time, teaching people about historic sites there. When my Church was restored in the 1800s, many of the first members gathered and built a city there, and several significant events happened.
I’d be absolutely thrilled to tell anyone who’s curious more about it—what I believe, what I’ll be doing on my mission, why I won’t be active on here, etc—but during my mission I won’t be able to use tumblr or much social media. BUT my little sister IS on tumblr and would be happy to answer any questions!! So head on over and hit up @lexilooper!! Unless it’s before May 30th, in which case you can ask me. But like that’s not much time so hurry bud.
So yeah @lexilooper is likely the best person to ask, especially if you wanna know anything specific to how I’m doing or something. But!! There are several other members of my church in the irondad fandom whom you could also hit up if you’re curious!
Both @polaroid15 and @the-reverse-mermaid served missions! So they would know a lot about what a mission is like and those basics. And @madasthesea would also be happy to answer general questions about the church! (And while you’re there, please, pleeeeeease try some of their fics they are all absolute geniuses and masters of writing I stan them so hard)
TL;DR: I’m goin on a mission and you can ask the people tagged about it!
Ok thx for reading if anyone did ilu alllll see you in a bit!
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joestarwhore · 4 years ago
I’m Horrible at requesting things but can we get a yandere jotaro with a s/o whos the sweetest thing in the world? Like jotaro just wants to protect the bby. By protecting he means locking them in a basement with no sunlight or human connections that isint from him 😬 thx a bunch!
mwah, ofc!
Yandere!Jotaro Kujo Headcanon & Imagine
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You met Jotaro around the same time Koichi did. You were a senior in school, your credits completed and your classes short, so you always had a lot of free time through the day.
You’ve had your Stand, Iron Maiden, since birth. Unlike other stand users though, you didn’t use yours very often. You simply loved to love people, your kindness making you a shining light to everyone around you.
& After everything that unfolds, Jotaro’s presence all of a sudden became more and more persistent. Jotaro would sit by you everywhere, asking you little questions about things you liked, flowers would show up on your nightstand at home, surprise little dates to the beach with him at night; Jotaro was treating you better than any man ever did before.
So when he suggested that you move away to his estate to live with him, there clearly was one answer; after all, your house was completely empty after you had came home, all of it packed on a trailer being worked on by Josuke and Okuyasu. Jotaro kissed your cheek, reassuring you this is exactly what you’re meant to do, his hands caressing your cheeks. After his sweet honeyed words, his gentle touches, you let him put you in the front seat.
{Requited Love, Requited Insanity}
You sat on your king size bed that you shared with Jotaro, petting your cat Jam Jam who gently slept in your lap. The estate was absolutely giant, even though you & Jotaro lived in the penthouse below the surface. No windows, no light, simply electricity & Jotaro. That’s all you had.
Honestly, you were loving it! The estate was absolutely beautiful, Jotaro had a full library stocked for you to read from, all your records in a safe place for you, Jotaro paid for Jam Jams vet appointments and arranged for her to be expedited to you, giving you your small little companion back.
The only thing you missed were the people. Koichi, Josuke, Okuyasu, all of your pals, you haven’t seen them since the day you left Morioh. But that’s okay! Jotaro always takes good care of you, between making sure you have what you need & feel at home, he even put in an alarm system to make sure that the only one who can open doors is him, all because he doesn’t want you to slam your finger in one of the doors!! How sweet is he??
You heard the main door open above, footsteps coming down the stairs to the penthouse. Jotaros footsteps weren’t easy to miss, & certainly didn’t stop after he came through the door. His eyes softened as he saw you, throwing his hat on the shelf and his briefcase on the table. He raised up his arms as you ran into his chest, squeezing him with all the might you could muster. “Welcome home, honey!”
Jotaro smiled and kissed your forehead, “Thank you baby, I missed you a lot today. Did you have a good day with Jam Jam?”
You smiled brightly, “Yes I did, we watched a nature documentary while we napped together!”
“That’s good baby, I’m glad you’re getting sleep like a good girl.”
You followed Jotaro down to the kitchen, seeing two bags of takeout on the counter. “I figured since I have the next few days off, we could give you a break with cooking for a few nights. You’ve done really good cooking dinner for us, you deserve a break.”
You looked up at Jotaro smiling ear to ear, your heart swelled with admiration of how thoughtful he was. “Thank you so much Jotaro, that’s so so sweet!”
Jotaro helped you make your plate & got you both situated on the couch. You both talked about his day and yours as you ate, taking time out to pet jam jam as she walked by every now & then.
After about an hour of watching Jotaros pick of his favorite documentary, you spoke in a small voice up towards him;
“Jojo, how long have we been living here?”
Jotaro kept silent for a moment, careful not to say anything rash. Your delicate mental state & soft heart have been molded to his perfect little darling, & he couldn’t ruin that.
“Around 6 months, I’d say.”
You sat Jam Jam on the floor, angling yourself to look towards Jotaro, whos eyes were trained on you & looking at you with adoration. He knew if he was to keep you in his grasp, he had to answer all of your questions, and had to do it right.
“Why can’t I go outside?”
“The outside is dangerous, sweetie. There are a lot of bad men out there who don’t like me, and because I love you so much, they don’t like you either.”
Your face saddened at the thought of someone not liking you. You’ve never even hurt anyone, even when you had the chance to kill, you always chose the nicer way to do things. “Okay. I’m sorry for asking you so many questions, sometimes I don’t know how to explain certain things to myself.”
Jotaro sat you up & helped you stand up, “that’s perfectly okay, angel. As long as you are here with me, you are safe. I promise that.” You nodded as you grinned up at him, clearly satisfied with his reply and his praise.
Jotaro grinned down at you, kissing the back of your head as he steered you back to the bed, looming over you as he pushed you onto your back. “I had the aquarium to myself today. ‘Was thinking how nice it would’ve been if you were there.” His lips grazed over your ear shell, making your thighs clench together as adrenaline shot to your core.
“W-whys that?”
Jotaro chuckled darkly as he snaked his arm around your backside, holding the back of your head in his hand while his other one gripped your thigh, slowly making its way to your heat. “Because all I wanted to do was bend that perfect cunt over my desk and fill you til you were swollen.”
Your cheeks flamed red as you bit your lip in excitement. Jotaros thumb skimming over your tucked in bottom lip, attaching his to the side of your neck. You couldn’t keep in the moan that escaped you, between the pressure on your neck that would surely leave a hickey & Jotaros palm rubbing circles on your core.
“Perfect little whore for me, arent you?”
Silence. SLAP.
You yelped as his hand made contact with your ass, arching yourself into both of his hands. “Answer my question, you stupid fucking slut.”, he growled in your ear.
You moaned and hid your face in his muscular neck, his black hair tickling your eyes as you took in a shaky breath. “Yes sir, I’m your perfect little whore!”
Jotaro smirked down at you as he forced your legs open, gripping the flesh of your thighs in his fingers. “Y’know Josuke used to tell me how badly he wanted to bend you over. Him & Okuyasu both.” He unzipped his pants, pulling down and exposing his rock hard cock. Your breath hitched at the sight, excitement swelling in your stomach.
Jotaro lined himself up at your entrance, his thumb gently rubbing over your sensitive clit. “They don’t know how many times they’ve almost had every bone in their bodies broken.” He thrusted his cock all the way inside you, your moans filling your bedroom as you gripped the sheets to cope with the intensity.
“Mmh good girl, yeah just like that, take every inch of me like a good fuckin whore.”
Your moans became screams and begs for him to slow down and to stop as he tunneled into your cunt, not giving you any mercy. “Yeah good fuckin slut, good girl taking my dick- f-fucking christ you’re gonna look so good covered in my cum.”
Your stomach tightened as you gripped onto Jotaros arms, your cries asking him to please make you cum, please let you cum like a little whore, everything Jotaro wanted to hear out of his little darling.
“Mmmfph FUCK yeah good fuckin slut, cum all over my cock!”
His filthy mouth sent you over the edge as your intense release shook your entire body. Jotaro lazily pumped himself in & out of you, telling you sweet nothings in your ear as your overstimulated brain calmed down. Jotaro hilted himself inside you, finally cumming inside your sensitive womb. His large hands running over your glistening body help you up and into one of his T shirts, and laying you under the covers of your bed.
You were his. Only his. He had broke you and remade you so, so perfectly. He loved you so much it drove him into the most dangerous kind of madness; the requited one.
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